August 4, 2023

Proudly Presenting Our Gymstory Platform To The World

Gymstory has come a long way. It still feels like yesterday when we first started working on this ‘crazy’ idea of building a product that can achieve the full digitization of fitness. 3 guys, 2 years, 1 dream, and countless hours of working in the evenings, weekends, and holidays finally landed us 200.000 euros in venture investments in September 2020. Immediately, we quit our ‘day jobs’ on October 4th and directly dived head-on into the Gymstory adventure.

Now, exactly another 2 years later, we are ready to launch our product in the first ever gym - Clubsportive, Amsterdam. 

Clubsportive is a high-end private sports club that offers top-quality fitness services exclusively to its clients. It is one of the Urban Gym Group brands, with whom we have been partnering since April 2021. They have been extremely helpful in the product testing phase by allowing us to test our product in their gym with their staff and providing us with essential feedback. And they are still doing that today because improvement is continuous! 

With their help, we completely redesigned our product last year, giving it a thorough and unrecognizable upgrade from head to toe. Now the: 

  • Hardware is 1/3rd smaller and lighter,
  • Firmware is much more reliant,
  • The app is immensely expanded, and
  • A neater Gym equipment dashboard has been created.

To celebrate our ‘new-born’ and to proudly show it off to the world, we decided to host a Product Launch Party, on the 11th of October, 2022, in Clubsportive, Amsterdam. The entrance is free and you are more than welcome to join us for this fantastic evening! The first 100 people will even receive a goodie bag full of beautiful gifts ;)

The doors open at 17:00. We will kick off the festivities with some welcoming drinks and meeting the Gymstory team, which will be followed by a series of short workshops to answer any product-related questions. Free food and drinks will be served all night long.

Sounds like a fun-filled evening? Put the date and time on your agenda already and prepare yourself for a revelational night! 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us

We welcome you on October 11th and we look forward to toasting with you!

Lift your progress

De Boelelaan 1085, room M236
1081 HV Amsterdam
KVK/CoC: 73437638
BTW/VAT: NL859536695B01